The Association, its objectives

Eurobesitas Europe is a European non-profit association founded in 1993 that brings together 7 European countries with Switzerland (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Greece, Poland, Austria, Portugal and Switzerland). Our organization was born in Switzerland in 1994. Eurobesitas works in an independent, multidisciplinary and cooperative manner. Created especially for patients suffering from obesity and overweight and / or with eating disorders, and for their families. It allows patients who so wish to be put in touch with obesity specialists, clinicians, physiotherapists, physical educators specialized in adapted activities, nutritionists, dieticians, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists, teachers, etc.).

Eurobesitas’ objectives:

  • connect you with specialists (medical specialists, healthcare professionals), and if necessary, with an individual or a group follow-up, as well as interactive and multidisciplinary care,
  • ensure that you listen actively, and get answers to your questions,
  • set you up to undertake the most effective, long term, weight loss possible,
  • help you acquire nutritional knowledge linked to physical and psychological aspects, and to integrate them into your daily life,
  • respect your desire to lose weight, or to stabilize your weight,
  • give you and your loved ones the opportunity to express your feelings,
  • develop educational material intended for youth and adults,
  • offer you workshops, and training and information courses led by obesity specialists (courses are open to the general public as well as to health professionals).
  • we also offer free therapeutic education workshops for our members, both in terms of eating behaviour (feeling of hunger and satiety, pleasure of eating, emotional eating, mindful eating…) and adapted physical education provided by specialists from the Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne, the body in all shapes and forms, full body awareness, Sophro-Bio-Dynamic relaxation courses, autogenic training (Schulz), meditative techniques, hypnosis or the Feldenkrais method… psychological aspects (dealing with stigma and its consequences on the health of those who endure it, on self-image, self-esteem, eating disorders, my life journey, and now? ..

The body must be considered as a collaborator in healing, not as an obstacle to well-being” as L. Gamba says.