Articles and books
Eurobesity magazine
PDF document
Food Addiction and Psychosocial Adversity
Food Addiction and Psychosocial Adversity:
Biological Embedding, Contextual Factors, and Public Health Implications
Motivating or stigmatizing ?
Motivating or stigmatizing? Public perceptions of language about weight used
by health providers
5 Key Propositions for GPs
Focus on communicating with and motivating your patient.
No stigmatisation.
Empower the patient to become his own specialist.
Physical Activity
Weight stigma in health care
What are the causes and the consequences ?
Obesity Management in Primary Care
Authors: Dr Dominique DURRER, MD & Prof. Yves Schutz, MPh & PhD (HUG) & Faculty Medicine, University Fribourg, Switzerland
Acknowledgment: Euan Woodward & Sheree Bryant, EASO, April 2018
Guidelines for adult obesity management
European Practical and Patient-Centred Guidelines for Adult Obesity Management in Primary Care
Obesity and Nutritional Sociology
Obesity and Nutritional Sociology: A Model for Coping with the Stigma of Obesity
by Jeffery Sobal, Cornell University
ECPO Newsletter
Newsletter 12/2020
ECPO Magazin
Magazine 2020